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Can I migrate my information from the existing Landlord Vision?

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Ben North
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The new software has been built using different technology. When we built Landlord Vision 10 years ago things were a lot different. Technology has changed and to stay up to date, we’ve changed with it. Because the technologies are different it makes it difficult to migrate data from one to the other. It’s kind of like trying to put triangular pegs into circular holes.

At the moment we’re not ready to migrate existing customers. The software is still new, it doesn’t contain all the features that the legacy version contains, and it will take a while to get there. However, once the new version is on par with the legacy version, we’re committed to building a migration tool that aims to get as much of your data as possible from one version to the other.

Ben North
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The new software has been built using different technology. When we built Landlord Vision 10 years ago things were a lot different. Technology has changed and to stay up to date, we’ve changed with it. Because the technologies are different it makes it difficult to migrate data from one to the other. It’s kind of like trying to put triangular pegs into circular holes.

At the moment we’re not ready to migrate existing customers. The software is still new, it doesn’t contain all the features that the legacy version contains, and it will take a while to get there. However, once the new version is on par with the legacy version, we’re committed to building a migration tool that aims to get as much of your data as possible from one version to the other.