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Reports Available In Your Account.

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Aged Payables 

A report to show how much you owed on a given date and to whom. If you didn't have everything up to date at your year end, you can use this report to track back and find the information.

Aged Receivables 

A report to show who owed you how much on a given date. If you didn't have everything up to date at your year end, you can use this report to track back and find the information.

Capital Gains

This is a simple report to show you how much you might be liable for for an investment property if you were to sell it. The report takes into account all purchase and selling costs, including the asset price itself.

Statement Of Account 

This report shows you everything your tenant was due to pay and when they paid it (if they paid it). You can print this out and send it to your tenant so they can see where they are up to with their rent. Again, this uses the payment data to update itself.

Profit And Loss

A complete list of all of your incomes and outgoings, excluding capital expenses. You can view this information for each property, room or for the portfolio as a whole, so you can see the total income and expense for any one of your properties and how it is performing. Select either the accruals method or Cash basis 

Income Tax Report

The Income Tax Report is a very powerful report that brings everything together in one place and tells you how to fill in your SA105 tax return form in relation to your property business. Each current and previous tax year has all of the appropriate tax rules pertaining to it and we update each new tax year as they start. For years up to and including 2016/17, simply record your loss (if you have one) from the previous year and any other income you may have that is not referred to elsewhere in the software e.g. salary or pension. For 2017/18 onwards you will need to select whether you are using the Cash Based or Accruals Based accounting method which is based on your revenue for that year. Once you know which one you are using, fill out the remainder of the details on the form as appropriate and Landlord Vision will calculate everything else.

The numbers and headers on the report correspond to the numbered boxes on the SA105 tax return and the values on the right show you what to enter in each. 

Balance Sheet 

This is your standard balance sheet and shows your income and expenses for your property business which you should use if you are running a company-owned portfolio. The balance sheet takes all of the transactions that are entered into the software up to a month or a date that you specify. As you might expect, the liabilities and the equities need to equal the assets.

Nominal Ledger

The nominal ledger provides an alphabetised list of all of your income and expense accounts, detailing all of the incomes and outgoings for each one. You can filter by account, property and time period.

Property Occupancy 

This report gives you a list of all of your properties and shows who is in each one. If there is no-one in a particular property, it will show as vacant and say who the last tenant was

Occupancy Overview

Review occupancy rates for your properties and see at a glance where your voids are for any given month, and when properties will become available

Broker Summary 

The Broker Summary gives you a rundown of all of your properties, how much they are worth (according to the last valuation - Landlord Vision makes no further calculations based on market conditions), how much finance is left on the property, the equity and then the rental yield. This report allows you get an idea of how much more finance you could take on a property, how much you have left to pay off and how well it is performing against any criteria you may have been set by your lender.

You can also use the Monthly Rental Income column to check that you are charging tenants and LHAs correctly to get up to the required rent,

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