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E-Signing an Envelope

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Landlord Vision integrates with legislate to allow you to have your documents signed electronically, rather than putting pen to paper. Doing this can potentially save you days of paper chasing and streamline your processes, not to mention it is cheaper than first class stamps.

You can use any PDF or Word document(s) stored in Landlord Vision,  or just something you have created yourself and uploaded.

Creating Envelopes

Navigate to Communications > E-Signatures > click the green +

Firstly Select your documents. You can pick a document from a folder or upload from your device > Click Next. 

Image 36

Envelope Details:

All Files 
- Select the name of the folder where the finished envelopes will be stored
- if there isn't already a folder where the finished envelope will be stored, select this and create a new folder to store the completed E-signatures
Envelope Title
- Title of the Envelope
Assign to Properties - Assign the envelope to a property
Assign to Tenancies
- Assign the envelope to a tenancies

Image 37

*NOTE* you must click and highlight the folder where they will be stored (in the screenshot this is 'Esigs') 


- choose who will be signing the document,
- What their email address is
- What their role is. A role might be a Tenant, or the landlord or even someone you just need to copy on the document so they have their own version of it. Personal Message - You can add a Personal Message to send in the email with the envelope to each party.
The envelope will be sent out in the order that you set them here. Once the first person has signed it, then the second person will receive it. You can change this order by moving the slider with the six dots on it next to the Personal Message.

Image 38

*Don't forget to add yourself as a party if you need to sign the document or if you want to receive a copy of it when it is complete.

Signable Fields

Place names and locations where signatures will appear on the document:
Drag and drop the fields from the right on to the document on the left in the relevant area for that field. e.g. drag and drop the signature field on to a dotted line on a document (where you would like them to sign)

Image 39

When you drag and drop another screen pops up:
Field Name
- Name of the field 
- Is this mandatory 
Party -
Who is required to sign it 

It  may take some trial and error to align the Signable fields properly against the corresponding document field titles. For best results, we recommend that you bottom align the Signable fields against the corresponding field titles or slightly move the Signable fields below the bottom of the field titles. The Signable fields may not appear in exactly the same position on the document preview in Signable, however, they should be properly aligned on the final e-signed documents if you follow our recommendation.

Now that you have completed the document you can press Save Draft so that you can work on other documents or Send Envelope if you are happy you have everything set up correctly. Please note that pressing Send Envelope will use up one of your Signable Envelopes. If you have no envelopes, you will need to purchase some using the Buy Signable Envelopes button at the top of any E-Signatures screen. Please click here for more detail.

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