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Sharing Documents And Files With Your Tenants

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If you are using the Tenant Portal feature and would like to share something with your tenants, for them to view on their portal, then here are some tips to help:

In the following screens you have the ability to share a file or document with a tenant.

Properties *Expand


Safety Certificates


White Brown goods

Utility Suppliers

You can also set sharing options in Files. Select View Details from the three dots menu next to any document to assign a document to a contact, unit or tenancy.

Also in the Files area, you can tick multiple documents and bulk assign and unassign documents to multiple contacts, units and tenancies. Please note the following:

A document with Shared with Tenants enabled and assigned to a tenant will be visible in that Tenant’s Portal,

A document with Shared with Tenants enabled and assigned to a unit will be visible in the Tenant Portal of any tenant with an active tenancy assigned to that unit,

A document with Shared with Tenants enabled and assigned to a tenancy will be visible to all tenants in that tenancy.

A document not assigned to anything, but with Shared with Tenants enabled, will be visible on the Tenant Portal to all tenants with an active tenancy.

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